The Crude Oil Logistics Committee Established in 1993




The Committee shall be directed by an Executive consisting of four elected representatives: Executive Chair, Education / Awareness Sub-committee Chair, Operations Sub-committee Chair, and Past Chair, all with voting rights at Executive meetings and member meetings. The Executive will include an ex-officio voting member representative from CAPP. The Executive will include an ex-officio, non-voting member, the Administrative Manager.


The Sub-committees are industry representatives that provide input and recommendations to the Executive with respect to their committee. The Terms of Reference for each Sub-committee must be reviewed and approved annually by the Executive.

Education / Awareness Sub-committee

Provide input and recommendations related to the design, implementation and sustainability of the training modules and certification program.

Operations Sub-committee

Provide input and recommendations related to the review, design, implementation and sustainability of the COLC guidelines and related business processes along with other crude oil transportation logistics issues/ opportunities.

General Membership

The general membership consists of industry representatives that are involved in the logistics of crude oil and segregated condensates in western Canada.

Attachment 'A' provides an organizational chart of the Committee structure.

Working Groups

The Executive shall ensure relevant sectors of the industry are sufficiently represented in each Working Group in order to fairly represent the Committee at Working Group meetings, as required.

Any member of the Committee may become involved in a Sub-committee and / or Working Group.

To join the Committee, a company or other organization representative shall apply to the Administrative Manager via the website.

Each member of the Committee shall be invited to vote on proposed changes and Business Decisions made to industry's crude oil and segregated condensate Revised Forecasting Procedures, Business Decisions and proposed changes to the Committee Charter of Operations. A company and its affiliates can have only one vote. The Committee shall elect, in the 4th quarter of the calendar year, the new Executive to serve for the next calendar year.

Term of Executive

The term of office for the Executive Chair, Education / Awareness Sub-committee Chair, Operations Sub-committee Chair and Past Chair shall be one year. The Executive Chair shall be asked to continue on as Past Chair for one year after his/her term of office as Executive Chair has expired. The term of the Executive will begin January 1 and end December 31.

The Administrative Manager shall be a Contractor hired by the Committee to provide required services. The term of the Contractor agreement shall be for one year, more or less, at the discretion of the Executive.

If one of the Executive is no longer able to actively function as such, he/she shall inform the Executive promptly. The vacating Executive shall not select his/her own replacement. One or both non-vacating Executive shall assume the duties of the resigning Executive until the next General Membership meeting at which a new Executive member shall be elected to fill the vacancy, at the discretion of the Executive.

Selection of Executive

The newly elected Executive will decide which roles they will fulfil.

Any Executive shall be eligible for re-election as an Executive. It is the intention that at least two of the current Executive shall remain on for a subsequent term.

Best efforts shall be made to fill the Executive positions to represent the three largest industry sectors: Producers, Shippers, and pipelines.

There shall be a Selection Working Group for the purpose of recommending to the Executive the hiring of a Contractor to fill the Administrative Manager's position. The Selection Working Group shall consist of the Executive Chair and at least four other members from the General Membership.


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