The Crude Oil Logistics Committee Established in 1993



Each Committee member shall have the right and the responsibility to cast a ballot on any issue brought forward by the Executive for General Membership decision. Each ballot, except for Executive Election Ballots, shall have the option to support or to reject a proposed item, and a third option, to abstain. Executive Election Ballots shall list all candidates and require a vote for one to three of the candidates.

General Voting

  1. A Committee member may submit an Absentee Vote prior to the vote for items presented at meetings of the Committee.
  2. A company and its affiliates will have only one vote.
  3. The Producer Association representative (CAPP) has a vote that is exclusive from the other company votes.
  4. Non-voting membership are Government Agencies, such as the Alberta Energy Regulator ("AER"), Saskatchewan Ministry of Economy ("SME"), and the National Energy Board ("NEB").

Membership Voting

  1. Unless otherwise stated a simple majority vote of Committee member companies, present or represented by Absentee Vote, is required to approve Committee Business Decisions of the General Membership.

Charter and Procedures Voting

  1. A majority vote of 75% of the Committee member companies, present or represented by Absentee Vote at a General Membership meeting, is required to approve changes to the industry's revised forecasting Procedures or the Crude Oil Logistics Committee Charter of Operations.

Sub-committee Voting

  1. (a) Unless otherwise stated a simple majority vote of Sub-Committee members, present or represented by Absentee Vote is required to approve Sub-Committee Business Decisions.
  1. (b) All Sub-Committee final voted upon Business Decisions will be brought forward as recommendations to the Executive. These recommendations will be brought forward to the General Membership for final vote and or outcomes as is in accordance with these voting procedures.

Executive Voting

  1. (a) Unless otherwise stated a simple majority vote of the Executive is required to approve Executive Business Decisions.
  1. (b) At minimum all Executive votes will include an odd number of Executive members with the Executive numbering being greater than one (1).


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