The Crude Oil Logistics Committee Established in 1993

Supply Forecasting & Notice of Shipment (NOS) Verification Procedures - Section 2

2.0 The COLC

2.1 Role

The COLC was created as a decision-making body for the effective and efficient management of western Canadian crude oil and segregated condensate logistical systems to which these Procedures and the COLC Reporting Calendar are related.

2.2 Reporting Standards and Confidentiality

In keeping with these Procedures, the COLC Administrative Manager accepts information from the COLC's various members and provides appropriate information to its General Membership. Any information received by the COLC that cannot be published to the COLC General Membership must be identified by the COLC member as confidential. The COLC Administrative Manager undertakes not to release such confidential information except to the appropriate regulatory agency responsible for dealing with such information or to an appropriate judicial authority having jurisdiction. The owner of the information will be made aware of the request before such confidential information will be released to either or both of these agencies/authorities.

The COLC Administrative Manager will hold all confidential information it receives from any stakeholder in strict confidence and will sign a confidentiality agreement (see attached example, Appendix 12.7) with any stakeholder that is expected to provide information to the COLC Administrative Manager under these procedures. All material received by the COLC Administrative Manager will be held for a period of one (1) year from the date it is received at which time any paper copies of the confidential information shall be destroyed or any electronic copies shall be deleted.

2.3 Administrative Manager Responsibilities

It is the responsibility of the COLC Administrative Manager to:

  1. After close of NOS month, gather, tabulate, compile and follow up on Original and final Notice of Shipment information (by Crude Type) received from Facility Operators. Information gathered includes:
    • Receipts (conventional and non-conventional production, transfers from other facilities, i.e.: pipelines, Storage Terminals, other)
    • Deliveries (including transfers to other Facilities)
  2. After close of NOS month, publish to the COLC General Membership (sourced from information provided by each Facility Operator) the following information:
    • Original and final NOS and actual receipt volumes by Facility aggregated by Crude Grade (receipts to include all sources of supply; production, Facility transfers, inventory draws, etc.).
    • Original and final NOS and actual delivery volumes aggregated by Crude Grade (Trunkline deliveries identified individually, all other deliveries shown under appropriate Facility category; i.e.: refineries, etc.).
    • Trunkline Transfer report which summarizes the Original NOS and actual delivery volumes as well as transfers between Trunklines and Storage Terminals.
  3. Track supply forecasting and NOS performance (by Crude Type) to identify patterns (such as recurring over-nominations).
  4. Follow up with Facility Operators that are not complying with the Supply Forecasting and NOS Verification Procedures as described within this document.

Timing: Activities listed above that are identified in the COLC Reporting Calendar shall be completed in accordance with the dates/times shown therein.


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